Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Importance of this!

Well hello again,

So this all started with me pulling a ten dollar bill out of my pocket.

Lets talk realistically here, when I first looked at this ten dollars, or lets just say anyone looks at this ten dollars. No one realistically will go through all the thoughts that I just went through. After all its just a ten dollar bill. But really after I first pulled it out and then sat down and really thought about this ten dollars and what its purpose was in this world and how it affects our society and I realized so much, that without this ten dollars we probably wouldn't be were we are today. So something that to most people seems like a common object and is just there for the most part when you need t can play such a great importance an by removing it we are causing an affect that in the long run will affect everyone, and not in a good way. So this little ten dollar bill is a very important tool in society and without it, society would not be what it is today.

Well it was nice chatting with you all,
Please check in soon to see what my next rant will be about

So this is what I found

So this is where this rant started me pulling out a ten dollar bill from my pocket.

So Why is this so important to society?

Hi again........

When we think about the economic times that Canada and the USA have gone through the past year we should take into consideration the factors that put us into this recession. I would say the biggest factor in the times that we faced and for the US still facing was the war in Iraq. Many have put the blame on George Bush because he was the one that wanted to send troops to Iraq, which is true, an because of al this Bush has for the most part taken the blame. Due to this recession many people lost their homes, jobs and many valuables from their life. The valuables that were lost could range from jewelry, furniture, and even cars in some cases. This is because many didn't have money to pay to support the needs of their family and they had to sacrifice valuables they knew that they could make money from so that that they could support their family.

So money, even pocket change in this time that we are in now to many people is very important and will continue to be of great importance to many. Yes I will give that there are people that take finances to the extreme, and at times are unreasonable or unrealistic. But when we think of money even pocket change, when it all comes down to the nitty gritty of it all we all need it and without it we can not live.

Without money people would not be able to live and get the things that are a necessity to everyday life and for living. Not only that they would not be able to further their education after High School because of the cost of tuition.

Can you imagine what it would be like for society not to be able to attend college or university and what t would be like. I honestly think it would be chaotic we would have the professionals that we have today and the society that we know today would be non existent.

So really with out money and pocket change society would not be the society that we know today. So for use having this pocket change is actually very important to us because the world as we know it would not be.

Okay so by for Now
Hope you keep reading to see the result of my rant.

Ten Dollars...........

Hi there, again

So even though I have found this ten ten dollar, is it really a big deal. Like really if we think about this how far can ten dollars go?

Personally I think no matter what the position your in with these economic times, this ten dollars can help in so many ways. You may just be wondering how or what I am talking about when I say ten dollars can go along way but it actually can.

Lets look at it from the perspective of a family, with one or even both of the parents being unemployed. For them to find a ten dollar bill in their pocket it can help with so many expenses. Such as putting gas in the car so they can take their kids to school or to a game or so that they can go job searching. It can also cover the cost of a meal to feed their family.

This can be the same for a University/ College student who is unemployed and paying the high tuition cost. for them to find ten dollars again it can help pay for a couple of meals in this case because we are talking about one person. It again can also put gas in the car so that they can drive to school if they commute and don't live on campus.

So even though this ten dollars is just ten dollars in reality this ten dollars can go a real long way and in many cases it can be a great help with these economic times.

I will see you all soon in my next post.

Pocket Change

Hi all,

Currently our society is facing economic hardships, with the prices of food, gas,and clothing all rising and many out in society either being laid of work or unemployed, it's rare that someone might fight pocket change in their pocket. Weather this pocket change is quarter, toonies, or loonies. lately we all find it hard to find pocket change yet today I was looking in my pocket and Found a ten dollar bill! I was so happy.

Currently being a University student and the cost of tuition and all the other expenses that come with the university life. Finding this 10 dollars was a great thing for me. As I say every little penny helps and in this case this will help me down the day or week with something that I may need.

Needless to say we are coming out f this economic hardship, but the fact of the matter is there is still many out there who are unemployed and are not in a financially stable position right now and this goes for many out there weather in university or trying to support a family these times are not helping, and it might be along while before families will be able to recover from the past year of economic difficulty and for all those out their that are unemployed it still may be a while till they are able to find a job.

Keep on checking in to see what else we can learn about the helpfulness and the need for pocket change in our society.